Sunday, February 27, 2011


blog location: back porch

It was so wonderful being in the bahamas with my mom, sisters and sister in law. It was also nice coming back to such warm and wonderful charlotte weather :) My mom told me something on the cruise that I thought was so great! She was in the bahamas pregnant with me and in her 1st trimester! So random that I would be pregnant and in the bahamas too? How special! I can't wait to tell my kid that someday! SO CUTE! maybe I should go to the bahamas every time I'm pregnant to continue the story? :)
I wore a bikini on the trip because I figured I obviously look pregnant? Needless to say, I got a couple curious looks....I figured they could have been for 1 or 2 reasons: 1. is she pregnant or does she have a beer gut? 2. is she pregnant? she looks 17 or 18? --- I wanted to wear a sign that said I'm 23 and happily married..... it wasnt all negative looks though :) I got some smiles and some friendly questions which I enjoyed. It was my first obvious pregnant outing (or so I thought).

here I am at 13 weeks

my favorite thing: fresh coconut water!
 all of us girls :) I love my family!
There really is nothing better than family: Whether it is blood relatives, friends that have become family or family by marriage. I am so thankful for my family. I love my family, my in laws and I love my friends.


  1. looks like a blast! family vacations are the greatest.

    just found you blog via boho baby bump. :)

    your story is really beautiful. God is such an amazing healer!!

    anyways just wanted to say your blog is lovely.

  2. omg your baby belly is so cute.
    i don't even blog and don't have a profile, but this is alysa.


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