Saturday, March 19, 2011

yet another project

blog location: the back deck

As of last week, Josh and I still had not yet purchased our dining room chairs. All the chairs I wanted were around $45-$65 per chair (even at ikea) and I just felt like that was quite pricey....I could have settled for plain chairs without a cushion for $25 a peice but it still seemed like a waste because it wasn't even what I really wanted....SO...I decided I could just restore some old chairs for a way better price and make them how I wanted them :)
I found these chairs at Re Store for $11 a piece. I bought 5 of them (since the other end of my table will eventually have a highchair :))

This ended up being a bigger project than I had planned for....these chairs had been reupholstered about 4 times already so every different layer had to be removed and the foam had to be replaced...I could not have done these cushions as well or as fast without the help of my mom, and josh for the help sanding and spray painting (obviously, since I cant being preggo and all)


I Love them!!
Also, I have yet another project that I just purchased....patio furniture! Ill be posting that whenever I am finished...I still have yet to get started though.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

oh hey change: welcome to my life

Today I was just thinking of how much has changed in the past year and a half and how thankful I am for the Lords goodness in my life.

In December 2009 me and two of my friends (allie and erica who are also hair stylists) opened up our own salon (the picture below is me and ashley before I did her wedding hair :)

 1 year ago on March 12th Josh proposed to me in PA and as I'm sure you know, I said yes.

In June 2010 we bought our first house together

7 months ago on September 12th we got married and my life became so much more wonderful 

And now I am almost 16 weeks pregnant and we are expecting the arrival of our first baby in august

Needless to say, a lot has happened in a year and a half. When I look back at how much I have grown and changed mentally, spiritually, and physically I am in awe of the Lord and His power and goodness. He has brought me to so many new levels and places that the evidence of Him in my life is more real than anything else. There's no way I brought all these blessings to myself...He has been pouring out so many wonderful things. I have been stretched in so many ways and taken on so many new roles and there is no way I could have done anything without his help. His peace, joy and strength have been with me through everything. I am so thankful.
I cant even imagine what this next year or so will look like but I am so excited and I know one of the main things will be parenthood :) I honestly cannot wait to be a mom. I have a feeling it is going to be one of the biggest blessings and the most challenging of all :) more than anything, I am so glad I get to start this journey with Josh....the love of my life. 

I guess all I can say is I like to live in constant movement and growth :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

old photos

Lately I've been wondering what my baby will look like :) I of course have had lots of dreams and such, but recently I've been looking at some pictures of me and Josh. I think I can conclude our baby has the potential of being born with a lot of hair! OH - and the baby will be really cute like his or her parents :)


 6-8 months

1 yr
1 yr

2 years old
3 years old

5 years old

5 years old

7 years old
7 years old

10 years old
10 years old

me at a few months old...weird how josh resembles my dad...

1.5 years old

2 years old
3rd grade